
Real voices of local foreigners: Tam san (Vietnam)

-English translation below-




There are some 1400 foreigners living now in Nomi city. They are all very different, and we’ll ask for their impressions on Nomi city and about their experiences living here. This is the second take of “Real voices of foreigners” series.

Today’s voice in Tam san from Vietnam. He lived and worked in Nomi city for 3 years, but now his job finishes and he is planning to go back to his country soon. He learned Japanese language for about half a year before coming to Japan, and for 3 years he has been studying at Neagari Japanese class. According to the teachers, he was number 1 in class attendance. When asked to sum up his 3 years in Nomi city in one word, he said “splendid”. He also had much interest in international exchanges, so often participated in such activities held by Nomi city and by the Association. So on this video he speaks about the same topic, “International exchange”.


This link will direct you to Tam san's video (a third-party site).