-English translation below.- 9/25の世界のともだちサロンは笹寿司作りでした。参加者16名、モンゴル人、タイ人、中国人、日本人で楽しく交流しながら、美味しい笹寿司をたくさん作りました。初参加の方も何人かいて、また交流の輪を広げられ、よかったと思います。 講師役のスタッフが手作りしたお赤飯とえびす(石川県の郷土料理)もあり、賑やかな昼食会となりました。
以下英訳 The World Friends Salon on September, 25 was a cooking class, we made Sasazushi. There were 16 participants, including people from Mongolia, Thailand, China and Japan. The participants had fun exchanges while making a lot of delicious Sasazushi. There were some first-time participants, so it was good that we could widen our circle. The was also Sekihan (red rice) and Ebisu (local dish of Ishikawa prefecture) hand-made by our staff who were teaching the cooking. We had a buzzing lunch!