English translation below.
令和2年1月19日(日)、毎年恒例のニューイヤーパーティーを寺井地区公民館で開催しました。今年は102人の参加者で、会場はとても賑やかな雰囲気となりました。パーティー開始時間になると同時に軽快なサルサの音楽が流れ、Nomi Salsa Vivaceの5人のダンサーが素敵な踊りで会場のみなさんを魅了しました。井出市長と喜多会長の挨拶の後は、世界的にもブームになったけん玉のパフォーマンスです。石川県けん玉協会の方が、見たこともない大技の数々を披露してくれました。昼食を楽しんだ後も、けん玉検定の合格を目指して、日本人も外国人もみんな真剣に、楽しみながら技に挑戦していました。
On Sunday January, 19 2020 we have conducted the annual New Year Party at Terai District Public Hall. This year we had 102 participants, so it was a very lively event.
With the beginning of the Party, jaunty salsa music filled the air and 5 dancers from nomi Salsa Vivace charmed the audience with beautiful dancing. After greetings by city mayor Mr. Ide and Association president Mrs. Kita there was a performance of kendama (Japanese bilboquet), which is now a boom in the world. Members of Ishikawa Prefecture Kendama Association performed a lot of elaborate tricks that no one in the audience have seen before. After lunch both Japanese and foreigners seriously but with fun took to the tricks trying to pass the qualification exams for kendama.
In the afternoon we played a game of Bōzumekuri using Hyakunin Isshu cards. The winner is a player with most number of cards on hands, but if he picks a card with a monk drawn on it he has to give up all of his cards. So it was a burst of emotions every time a monk card came out.
This time we had participants from 11 countries, so winners at each of the tables did a self introduction. Among representatives of Mongolia, Myanmar, India and other countries, this time the Vietnamese were in most numbers. The next game was making towers with empty cans. The winner was a team that produced the tallest tower within the set time limit. All of the participants joined efforts even though the towers kept toppling over.
After lots of communication through games in such a manner, the glorious event was closed with farewell greetings by Association vice-president Mr. Takigami.