Learn the World! –Surprising discoveries await–(^ ^)
English translation below.
2/16(日) 寺井地区公民館で ‘まなびフェスタ2020’ 『世界を学ぼう! ~エッ!と驚く発見が~(^ ^)』が開催され、64名の方が参加しました。
At the “2020 Learning Festival” held on Sunday February, 16 our Association has conducted an experience class “Learn the World! –Surprising discoveries await–(^ ^)” at Terai District Public Hall. There were 64 participants.
The participants divided into 3 groups and went around 6 booths representing countries: Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, China, Russia and Japan. At Thai and Chinese booths, among other things, they experienced games similar to Japanese “Otedama”, and at a Russian booth a game called “A spider and a fly” similar to Japanese game of “Daruma-san ga koronda”. There were many discoveries, like similarities in games despite of the fact that countries are different, or that national flags of Bangladesh and Japan are similar.
For the Vietnamese bamboo dance both participants and viewers were very excited. Lastly, all the participants joined hands to sing and dance “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. We had so much fun!