English translation below.
アドマジャ バグストリス (インドネシア)さんは『多様性の尊重』と題して方言も交えながらのスピーチを披露。
チャン ヴァン ソン(ベトナム)さんは『日本での生活における日本語の大切さ』
On Saturday February, 8 the “38th Annual Japanese Speech Contest for Foreign Residents in Ishikawa Prefecture” was held in Rifare. 13 foreign participants have delivered their impassioned speeches.
There were 2 participants from Nomi city, students of local Japanese classes.
Bagus Tris Atmaja san (Indonesia) had a speech “Respecting Diversity”, and he presented it with inclusions in a local dialect.
Tran Van Son san (Vietnam) had a speech entitled “The importance of Japanese language when living in Japan”. He presented what he felt from his personal experiences and accentuated his speech with body and hand gestures.
In general, the Speech Contest was splendid, each and every one contestant’s passion could be felt.