Representatives of Nanao International Exchange Association visited Nomi International Exchange Association.

-English translation below-

11月26日(火)、七尾市国際交流協会の視察団の14名が能美市を訪れ、協会事務所やJAIST日本語教室を視察し、懇談会を行いました。 七尾市協会役員や会員団体の代表者からなる一行はまず能美市協会事務所を見学しました。次に和やかな雰囲気の中で、七尾市協会の主な活動のプレゼンテーションをし、能美市協会のプレゼンテーションをして、質疑応答をしました。七尾市の皆さんは、能美市の外国人受入対策、取り分け子供への支援対策に関して熱心な興味を示し、七尾市の現状と比べながら話し合いをしました。 次にJAIST日本語教室を訪れ、授業の様子を見ました。そこでは七尾市からの視察団の説明の後、進度別に分かれた複数のクラスを見学、時には生徒に質問するなど積極的に話しかける様子も見られました。


On Tuesday November, 26 14 representatives of Nanao International Exchange Association visited Nomi city. They did an inspection of NIEA office and JAIST Japanese class, and we also conducted a discussion session. The visiting group consisted of administrative staff of Nanao Association and representatives of its member organizations. First, they took a look at the NIEA office, and then we had a relaxed discussion meeting where both associations did presentations about their main activities, and then did a questions-and answers session. Representatives of Nanao city showed much interest in Nomi city's activities aimed at receiving foreign nationals, especially children support policies. We had a discussion comparing both cities' present conditions. Next the group visited the JAIST Japanese class and inspected the lessons there. First, we introduced the group to the class, and then the group watched several lessons divided by proficiency level. They showed much active interest, asking some questions to the students.