

国・県の支援策、4月30日市議会臨時会で可決した市の施策を進めると共に、市民・事業者の皆様には、大型連休中の「Stay Home Nomi」のご協力に御礼を申し上げ、引き続き感染拡大防止のため、ご理解ご協力を賜りますようお願いいたします。

能美市長 井出 敏朗


The country has proclaimed the prolongation of state of emergency till the end of May, and so Ishikawa prefecture, too, has announced that it will continue to demand that citizens refrain from going out without necessity or emergency, and businesses will shut down.
Nomi City has decided it will prolongate its measures, such as cancelling events, closing down public facilities, temporary suspension of schools, demanding refraining from using of nursery schools and after-school children clubs.
The City will go on with its measures decided on the temporary session of the City Council on April 30, along with the country's and the prefecture's support measures. We would like to express gratitude to all of the citizens and businesses that helped in “Stay Home Nomi” movement during the long holidays, and to ask for understanding and support of continuing measures needed to stop the spreading of the infection.

May 7, 2020
Nomi city mayor Toshiaki IDE