【やさしい にほんご】「こうほうのみ」にあった しちょうの あいさつと こうほうの コロナウイルスに ついて いくつかの ページを しょうかい します。「こうほう」のぜんぶは のみしの HPで みることができます。
【English】We would like to introduce the mayor’s greetings from the May issue of “Nomi Newsletter” magazine and a part of that issue devoted to Coronavirus. The full issue is available at Nomi city HP.
Greetings from the mayor
English translation below
能美市長 井出 敏朗
Presently, the government has declared a state of emergency for the whole country because of the spread of New Coronavirus infection. Ishikawa prefecture has been appointed as a prefecture of high alert that needs to do serious measures in order to prevent the spread of infection.
We know that for all the citizens it is very hard and worrisome times because of all self-limitations like canceling activities and events, closing facilities, temporary suspension of school classes, refraining from using nursery schools and afterschool children clubs.
I would like to wholeheartedly thank all of the personnel working to protect livelihoods and safety of the citizens in these circumstances, and also all of the business owners who comprehended and complied with the prefecture’s demand to close down or shorten working hours as a measure necessary in the state of emergency.
In Nomi city, too, we can say that now is the crucial moment when all of the city must unite as one in order to prevent the infection from spreading. I would like to ask again all of the citizens to realize anew that each and everyone’s personal awareness not to spread the infection is important in daily lives. I would like to ask to refrain from going in and out of the prefecture during the long holidays.
The City will propose its own infection spreading prevention and economic support program on a special session of Nomi City Council n the end of April. It will continue to apply all effort, cooperating with the country government, prefectural administration and other affiliated bodies.
If you protect yourself, that will help protect your family and people around you, and to protect your region.
I would like to wholeheartedly ask all of the citizens for their understanding and cooperation.
April 2020
Nomi city mayor Toshiaki IDE