A message from mayor Ide regarding the New Coronavirus infection (April 20)
English translation below.
能美市長 井出 敏朗
新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に係る石川県緊急事態措置(概要)はこちら(PDF 398KB)
休業要請を行う施設等の一覧はこちら(PDF 134KB)
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all of the citizens who showed understanding and cooperation in regards to measures to prevent the spread of New Coronavirus infection, such as cancelling activities and events, closing facilities, temporary suspension of school classes, refraining from using nursery schools and afterschool children clubs.
Ishikawa prefecture has issued a demand for middle and small size ventures and individual entrepreneurs to close shops and facilities or shorten business hours for the period from April 21 to May 6.
For details on support system for those closing down or shortening their business hours, please see Ishikawa prefecture home page, or inquire to the corresponding division specified on the home page within working hours.
I would like to ask all of the citizens and businesses for further understanding and cooperation in regards to prevention of infection spreading.
Mayor of Nomi city Toshiaki Ide
Links for reference (all on Ishikawa prefecture HP, in Japanese)
Regarding the state of emergency in Ishikawa prefecture due to spread of New Coronavirus (general information) is here(PDF 398KB)
A list of facilities demanded to close down is here(PDF 134KB)
Regarding the support grants here