Our Association's member organization is providing a new free service. If you are a foreigner feeling uneasy because of the Coronavirus situation, it might be just for you.
「Let's Have a Chat」は、コロナウイルスの問題で不安や恐怖、孤独を感じている石川県在住外国人向けの無料サービスです。 このような時には、他者とのコミュニケーションが重要ですね。困っていて誰かと話したい場合には、このサービスが役に立つかもしれません。電話またはビデオ電話でオンラインでチャットできます。 以下に連絡先などを入力すれば、連絡します。Let's Have a Chat
"Let's Have a Chat" is a free service by NPO YOU-I for foreigners in Ishikawa, who are feeling worried, scared or lonely due to the Coronavirus situation. Talking with others is important in times like these. If you need someone to talk to, this service may help you. You can chat with us online, by voice or video call. Please fill in the form below, and we will contact you :)