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世界の料理 World gourmet

English is below;
Hi!This is Shimizu from NIEA.
I guess many people are suffering from self-restraint because of this coronavirus situation...
I’d like to introduce the foods around the world that I had before.
Eating each country’s food is the best way to know the different culture.
I hope these photos make you feel better and positive! 😊

アイルランド Irelandアフガニスタン Afghanistanインドネシア Indonesiaウイグル Uighurエチオピア Ethiopiaジャマイカ Jamaicaジョージア Georgiaスイス Switzerlandセネガル Senegalタイ Thailandチベット Tibetチュニジア Tunisiaドイツ Germanyトルコ Turkeyナイジェリア Nigeriaブータン Bhutanブラジル Brazilベトナム Vietnamペルー Peruメキシコ Mexicoモロッコ Morocco韓国 Korea台湾 Taiwan
(活動内容) 2020/05/16 13:43
Nomi city volunteer interpreters support foreigners in Nomi city
Nomi city volunteer inerpreter

From January 6 2013, Nomi city started providing Interpretation Support.
This system is aimed to promote internationalization of the city, and to support residents who are having trouble with Japanese language in their household life and social life. The city will dispatch interpreters to those who are suck at the language wall.
Anyone who lives, works, or studies within the city is eligible for using this support.
Please read the following on the details of how to reserve and apply.

Contact: Tourism and Exchange Division
(Tel: 0761-58-2211) kankou@city.nomi.lg.jp or
Nomi International Exchange Association
(Tel: 0761-57-3751) jimu@niea.iki-iki.nomi.net
*Correspondence and phone contact is available in Japanese and English!
Interpreter support leaflet (in Japanese and English)(PDF/1MB)

About the Interpretation Support
  • Support Content
  • 1. Interpretation at City Hall and other official institutions
    2. Interpretation at city elementary, junior-high and nursery schools
    3. Interpretation at medical facilities within the city
    4. Interpretation at companies within the city
    5. Interpretation at local activities/events that Local Residents Communities or civic groups organize within the city
    6. Interpretation for other needs that the Nomi City Mayor acknowledges

  • How to Apply
  • 1. Fill in the "Nomi City Volunteer for Interpretation Dispatch Application Form" and submit directly to the Nomi International Exchange Association, City Tourism and Exchange Division, the Citizen's Window Division, and the Neagari or Terai Information Center no later than one week before the request date. Or
    2. Send the Application Form to the Nomi International Exchange Association or City Tourism and Exchange Division via E-mail or FAX.

    • Forms are available at the Nomi International Exchange Association, City Tourism and Exchange Division, the Citizen's Window Division, and the Neagari and Terai Information Centers. An electronic form can also be downloaded from the link below.
    • Reservations are required at the latest one week before the request date.
    • Companies and groups requesting for a dispatch of a volunteer interpreter are required to register. Please fill out and submit the "Nomi City Volunteer Interpretation Registration of Usage Application Form" (submission by postal service is accepted).
    • Please note that there may be times where a volunteer interpreter may not be available.
    Download: Interpreter application (personal use)(Excel/64KB)
    Download: Interpreter application (company use) (Excel/28KB)
    Download: Registration of Usage Application Form (company use) (Excel/30KB)

    For interpreters
    Interpreters wanted!
    Nomi city needs volunteer interpreters of different languages to provide the above support. If you are interested in registering as a volunteer interpreter, please see the page below.
    Nomi city Interpretation Support (in Japanese)
    (活動内容) 2020/04/07 15:25


  • 活動内容
    1. 1.市役所その他公共機関における通訳

  • 予約方法
    1. 1.能美市ボランティア通訳派遣申込書に必要事項を記入し、活動日の1週間前までに能美市国際交流協会、観光交流課、市民窓口課、根上・寺井窓口センターに直接提出 または、
  • 予約の申込書は、能美市国際交流協会、観光交流課、市民窓口課、根上・寺井窓口センターに設置しております。以下のリンクからダウンロードすることもできます。
  • 予約は活動日の「遅くても1週間前まで」とします。キャンセルは活動日の「遅くても前日(平日に限る)の正午まで」としますが、できるだけ早めに能美市国際交流協会(日本語と英語対応)または観光交流課(日本語のみ対応)へご連絡ください。
  • ボランティアの派遣を依頼する企業や団体は、利用登録が必要です。以下の能美市ボランティア通訳利用登録申込書に記入し、提出。(郵送可)
  • ボランティア通訳者の都合により派遣できない場合もありますので、ご了承ください。

  • Download: 能美市ボランティア通訳派遣申込書(個人用)(64KB)(エクセル文書)
    Download: 能美市ボランティア通訳派遣申込書(団体用)(28KB)(エクセル文書)
    Download: 能美市ボランティア通訳利用登録申込書(30KB)(エクセル文書)


    (活動内容) 2020/04/07 14:35

    Japanese Speech contest
    English translation below.
    アドマジャ バグストリス (インドネシア)さんは『多様性の尊重』と題して方言も交えながらのスピーチを披露。
    チャン ヴァン ソン(ベトナム)さんは『日本での生活における日本語の大切さ』

    On Saturday February, 8 the “38th Annual Japanese Speech Contest for Foreign Residents in Ishikawa Prefecture” was held in Rifare. 13 foreign participants have delivered their impassioned speeches.
    There were 2 participants from Nomi city, students of local Japanese classes.
    Bagus Tris Atmaja san (Indonesia) had a speech “Respecting Diversity”, and he presented it with inclusions in a local dialect.
    Tran Van Son san (Vietnam) had a speech entitled “The importance of Japanese language when living in Japan”. He presented what he felt from his personal experiences and accentuated his speech with body and hand gestures.
    In general, the Speech Contest was splendid, each and every one contestant’s passion could be felt.
    (活動内容) 2020/02/27 10:06

    A lecture about Vietnam at Yoshimitsu-machi Elderly Association
    English translation below.

    On Tuesday February, 11 we have dispatched two Vietnamese who live in the city as volunteers for a General Meeting of an Elderly Association. This was due to a request from Yoshimitsu-machi Elderly Association. A Vietnamese married couple Pham-san and Thu-san did a presentation about Vietnam and also spoke of their impressions of Japan. They also communicated a lot with participants, being asked various questions. Two executive members of the Association accompanied them.
    Our Association dispatches lecturers for events like this to promote international understanding. We have requests from schools and local residents’ associations, from various groups in and outside of the city. Events like this are aimed to create close communication between foreign and Japanese citizens and to make a contribution into creation of a multicultural society.

    (活動内容) 2020/02/26 12:00
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